Flux Gourmet - Peter Strickland (Film d'ouverture)
Laurie Tompkins
Scream Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street - Roman Chimienti & Tyler Jensen (Documentaires)
Cuddly Toys - Kansas Bowling (Compétition longs métrages)
Lausanne Underground
Film & Music Festival
21st edition


Marion Camy-Palou approaches music through three projects - Nacre, Deeat Palace and Officine - by playing various electric and electronic instruments but with a common purpose: to deconstruct the codes of classical musical compositions and to search for unusual sound forms. Having already worked with highly saturated guitars in the trio Officine, she undertakes with Nacre to create a memento of sound projections using a guitar, an amp and effect pedals. Crashes, harsh sinusoids, layers, personal mantras make for a raw and furious live performance.